SPA Church Music exists to bring glory to God and allow people a space to worship Him using the musical talents and abilities He has blessed us with.

We are looking for people who:
  1. LOVE JESUS. This is easy to say and harder to live out. Your love and dedication to Jesus should be evident at all times: in private, with family, at work, school, or online (including social media). This does not mean we are looking for perfect people, but you should be consistent in your faith. We are looking for people proud of who they are in Christ, who can’t wait to reflect what he has done in them out to the world.

  2. ARE WORSHIPPERS. Worshiping starts off-stage, in your bedroom, in your car, at work. Your worship does not become more real because you are on stage. Practice worshiping at home before you try to do it as a leader of the congregation, and develop a passion for it. Worshiping is so much more than what we do on Sunday morning, it is our entire lives. Be someone who lives to worship our Saviour.

  3. ARE MUSICALLY GIFTED You know your instrument and/or voice well and are enjoyable to listen to. You understand the style of music that is being played and can adapt to the needs of the song depending on instrumentation or feel. You are eager to continue to grow and learn more and do not feel like you’ve “made it” when it comes to your craft. You understand that God has given you a desire and an ability and should use it to give back to him!

  4. REPRESENT OUR CHURCH. Our Church is made up of many different people from age to gender to ethnic background and we want the worship team to reflect this as well. We are a community on a journey to be more like Jesus. No matter who you are, there may be someone out there in the congregation that sees you on stage and feels inspired to step out and allow God to use their gifts as well.

  5. ARE DEDICATED. We make time for the things that we value. You are the type of person that makes time for practice and rehearsals, best case scenario is you look forward to it! You are punctual and prepared. We believe God does not ask us to be perfect, but he does ask us to give him our best and this starts with preparation!