Small Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. We want to see you grow, flourish, and become all that God has called you to be... and that always happens in community. Some groups also gather online as a place to check in, get support, encourage one another and pray together. Life is lived in community, and we are cared for in a body of fellow believers that study the Bible, pray together and stand with each other in life. We are family and you are loved.

Join a Group!

Here's a snippet of each of our Socials and what they have to offer.

Life Group

Leader: Natasha Smith

Location: The Great Outdoors!


Adult Group

Tuesdays @ 7 PM

Leader: Larry Williams

Location: SPA - Room #106

Topic: The Book of Ephesians

Adult Group

Wednesdays @ 7PM

Leader: Brandon Beitel

Location: Surrey

Topic: Cold Case Christianity

God Seekers | Adult Group

Wednesdays @ 7 PM

Leaders: Darren & Christine Mann

Location: Fraser Heights

Topic: How to Pray for Healing

Adult Group

Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM


Leaders: Herb & Theresa Maretz

Location: Langley and on ZOOM

Contact Leader for details!

Adult Group

Every 2nd Wednesday @ 7:30 PM

Leaders: Wes and Linda Aichele 

Location: Surrey

A study in the Word with fellowship and prayer. Contact Leader for details!

Adult Group

Thursdays @ 10 AM

Leader: Pastor Eileen

Location: SPA - Room #106

Topic: Book of Joshua

Adults Group (Kids Welcome)

NEW DAY:  Thursdays @ 7 PM

Leader: Pastor Wes

Location: Surrey

Topic: The Book of Romans

Young Adults (18-25)

Thursdays @ 7 PM

Leader: Dakota Beitel 

Location: SPA - Room #214/Youth Room

Topic: Easy Answers to Hard Questions


Ladies Group

Fridays @ 4:30 PM

Leader: Pastor Eileen

Location: SPA - Room #106

Topic: The Way - Grow Character


International Social

Fridays @ 6:30 PM

Leader: Maria Moran

Location: Surrey

Contact Leader for details!

Adult Study with childcare

Every 2nd Friday @ 7:15 PM

Leaders: Shane and Laurie Schneider

Location: Walnut Grove Area, Langley

Topic: Genesis

Hindi Social

Every 2nd Saturday

Leader: Annie Krishna

Location: Surrey

Contact Leader for details!


Lunch & Learn

Sundays | 11:45am in Room # 214

Leader: Tim Spruyt

Overview: "The Bible says it, that's enough for me."  That doesn't cut it for Non-Christians; that isn't cutting it for many young people who leave the faith just after high school.  Come check out what world experts have to say. 

Topic: "Want to learn how to solve cold-case crimes from a world famous detective?  See how an Atheist Cold Case detective works, and how he used his skills to see if the New Testament would hold up in court." 

Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks for the REASON...... for the hope that you have.